By: Rebecca Witherspoon, 11/13/2022

I’m so incredibly sad for my country and the direction it is going. Am I meant to pursue public service as an elected official? I’ve been pretty effective at the local level, but I don’t know if I’d be effective or even electable at a higher level of office. And, I don’t know if I even want to be at that higher level. People in this country seem hell bent on abolishing our Constitution, our Constitutionally protected freedoms, and implementing a repeatedly failed Marxist/socialist society that oppresses and ultimately destroys a society. Why are people doomed to repeat the very things that have been proven time and again to destroy? As a country, we have lost our way, and I believe it is the beginning of the end of the country my ancestors fought so hard to create and that I grew up in. I’m so tired of fighting all the time to try to get others to see the truth. I’m just so very tired.

I want to escape the coming destruction in this country. But where would I/we even go? Florida has both its pros and cons. Weather is the main con in that it gets extremely hot in the summers and has hurricanes in the falls and early winters. The current governor will not always be the governor—Florida has term limits (pros and cons again). Unless he is working to mentor the next governor I fear that Florida will be on the chopping block in the next election as far as freedoms go. I have zero desire to live in an actual physical border state, because of the dangerous illegal alien surge that is being allowed by our current administration—shockingly illegal and yet completely allowed. Why the hell do we continue to put up with this bullshit?

I fear that being an entrepreneur in this country will soon be on the chopping block as well. The far left will see to that. Despite what they claim, they absolutely hate self-made success stories because they cannot be controlled, their thoughts cannot be directed, and their actions cannot be dictated.

My body, my choice. They want the right to kill their babies, but they don’t want us to have the right to choose what we allow to be injected into our bodies. They want to be able to mutilate the bodies of our children, and stop parents from even knowing or having a say so in what happens to their children. They want us to follow the science, but they themselves refuse to follow the science—they can’t even define what a woman is. They want to abolish the police and all the while try to take our ability to protect ourselves away, at the same time they themselves use private security they can afford but we cannot to protect themselves—two tier system. They want to indoctrinate the minds of our children and tell us that our children don’t belong to us and that we have no say so in what our children are taught—they call us domestic terrorists if we raise concerns. They are trying to normalize pedophilia and now are trying to change the term to minor attracted as a way of making the sick perversion into something “normal.” 

We saw city after city burned and looted with people physically assaulted and sometimes even killed for three months during the summer of love (2020) and yet those riots were called “mostly peaceful protests,” then when a bunch of idiots were literally escorted into the Capital and allowed to get out of hand in a short-lived riot, they call them domestic terrorists and “insurrectionists” and continue to push an untrue narrative about those who dare to use their Constitutionally protected right of free speech to question blatantly questionable actions during the election of 2020. Three people died on J6, all were protestors who got caught up in a protest that got out of control—possibly as a direct result of government law enforcement interference and instigation, but of course we will never know the truth because we aren’t allowed to question the “acceptable” narrative. One was an unarmed, white, female veteran who is on video attempting to stop destruction of public property and yet was cold-bloodedly executed on video by a capital police officer who admitted in a very publicized interview that he broke the law when he shot her—aka, he murdered that woman and is not being charged with any crime. Another was an unarmed, white, female protestor who got caught in the crush of people at one of the entrances to the Capital Building and who was crushed to death as a result of capital police illegally discharging tear gas in an extremely confined space resulting in panic when people could not breath and at least one police officer beating the defenseless woman after she had fallen to the ground—another illegal action on the part of the police officer. The third was an unarmed, white, older male who suffered a life-ending heart attack, again as a result of unconscionable actions on the part of the capital police. Another victim of the capital police included an unarmed, white, man who was literally pushed off a ledge by a capital police officer—another illegal action on the part of the police. There are many more examples, but I’ll stop there. Each of these incidents can be easily found if you’re willing to do your own research. Not one police officer to my knowledge has been charged with any crimes of police brutality as a result of J6–I guess it’s okay when the illegal brutality is against white folks. Not one police officer died that day, some were hurt in the scuffles, and yet a lie has been repeatedly told that one police officer was beaten to death—he was not. As can be easily discovered by the autopsy report, he died from natural causes a day or so later, with zero evidence that his death was a result of the riot. And yet I still, to this day almost two years later, continue to hear this lie repeated time and time again from people who refuse to hear/see the truth.

And people just keep believing the damn lies. They refuse to do the research to find the actual truth and continue to believe the false narratives being shoved down our throats by a media that is no longer anything other than a propaganda machine of the far left Democrat Party. Journalism with rare exception is dead. And those journalists that still exist? They are mercilessly persecuted by the pundits and government until they are either “discredited,” choose to shut up, or disappear or murdered under mysterious circumstances.

We have Democrat leadership colluding with media and social media to suppress free speech, and yet too many people see nothing wrong with that ILLEGAL action on the part of our government.

We have a Democrat controlled government that has destroyed our economy, refuses to prosecute criminals, is printing money like it’s candy, is putting the jackboot on the neck of We The People through burdensome regulations and taxation, and has no problem with the wholesale genocide of millions of babies. And yet, we just keep voting for more of the same.

I’m so incredibly tired. It’s heart breaking to see people willingly throwing their freedoms in the trash as a result of complete lies. As a nation, we have forgotten where we came from, who we once were, what our values have been for more than 200 years, and seem to be intent on destroying everything we once valued. I have repeatedly asked when people will wake up and demand that our government do it’s assigned jobs and not continue to abuse its power. Unfortunately, we as a nation have become “comfortably numb” to the destruction of our country and like sheep are being led to the slaughter. We are like frogs in a pot of water that is slowly but surely coming to a boil. We are like a horse with blinders, seeing only what we are meant to see and not able to see the burning forest around us.

We are seeing the beginning of the end of our nation.

Published by GlobetrotterGranny

I am a wife, mom, and grandma, an outspoken Village Board Trustee where I live, the owner and operator of the Globetrotter Granny travel agency, and a semi-professional photographer, graphic designer and videographer with my photography company RAW Digital Studios. Oh, and in my “spare” time I also drive a school bus and work full time as a legal assistant. I am all about helping people realize their dreams and potential, and learning how to experience the world their way, what ever that looks like to them. I am on an ever-continuing journey of self discovery. If you like the content in this blog, please don't forget to subscribe at the bottom of the page.

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