Why I sometimes “disappear”

By: Rebecca Witherspoon

Some of you may not know this, but I have struggled for 25 years with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue which cause periodic periods of profound pain and debilitating fatigue, as well as lung issues that cause me to frequently cough, sometimes fairly aggressively. My life now is about as stress free as is possible. Some of you may laugh at that because if you know me, I am ALWAYS busy. I work full time, I have a part-time travel business, and I’m an elected official as a Trustee on my Village Board. I manage my symptoms through exercise and nutrition, but there are times when even that does not help and I go down for the count. I REFUSE to allow my diagnosis to dictate who I am and what I do in my life, although it does limit some of my physical abilities—as the saying goes, the spirit is willing but the body is not always cooperative.

One of the biggest dreams of my life is to travel as much as I possibly can. While I may never get to do one of my bucket list trips of hiking to the Mt. Everest Base Camp, I will go to and experience this great big world while I physically can. I couldn’t do what I do without the full support of my family, especially my husband (who has his own struggles). We will travel the way that best suits OUR life and our dreams.

Going Through, Moving Past

By: Rebecca Witherspoon

Have you experienced an extreme dread of doing something so much that you will do almost anything besides that one thing you’re dreading? That dreaded thing could even be something that you once enjoyed in the past but now you avoid like the plague. You know that dreaded thing can be good for you, and will most likely result in great things for you, but you still procrastinate to the point that it becomes a huge hurdle that you feel you just cannot get over so why even attempt to?

Yup, that’s been me for the last couple of years when it comes to stretching, walking, and exercising. But why, you might ask? Well, here’s the brief backstory to why. It’s called fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. I was diagnosed with these conditions 22 years ago this coming fall. Prior to 22 years ago, I was energetic, athletic, enjoyed all things active, and my body was slim, flexible, and strong. Then life happened. Extremely stressful life. The kind of stress that can put a person into the ground kind of life. To say life kicked me on my butt (insert your chosen word for this) is an extreme understatement. My life, and my family’s life, was upended by significant trauma perpetrated on us by an unsavory source that should have been protective, nurturing, and loving. After quite a few very long years of sustained trauma, that trauma came to a sudden and crashing end. And my body began to retaliate.

Life changed dramatically for the better. But with my body having been in what I later learned was something called survival mode for an extended period, my once healthy and strong body dramatically and suddenly took a nosedive. What once I took for granted, suddenly became difficult and extremely painful. I thought I was going crazy. What the heck was wrong with me? I worked through the early pain only to end up unable to do much of anything for a week or more at a time. Why was this happening to me? I was confused, depressed, anxious, and clueless of how to fix what I found to be broken.

My doctor at the time tested me for just about everything under the sun to try to figure out what was going on, and each time the tests would come back telling me I was just fine. Nothing to worry about. And yet, I felt like I was dying a slow, painful death. Then after exhausting almost all tests that my doctor remotely thought might shed light on what was happening to me, she did what was called a pressure-point test. It was like being subjected to a sudden, extreme, and excruciating pain like you’ve been stabbed and electrocuted all at the same time. I just about slapped my doctor, but I refrained because I was in too much pain to lift my hand. After the test, she sat there for a moment and looked me in the eyes and said, 

“Becky, I can now explain to you what is happening. You have a condition that is little understood, and some will try to tell you it’s all in your head, but it’s not. You’ve got something called fibromyalgia (fibro). It’s being exacerbated by something called chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). There’s no magic pill that’s going to help you. It’s a condition that seems to be brought on after sustained periods of chronic stress, or after brief but extremely traumatic events. I can place you on one of the only medications that we currently know reduces the symptoms, but it will not eliminate the pain all together. The only other things that have been shown to improve symptoms are diet and exercise. You’re going to feel like your joints are being destroyed, but the good news is that they are not. No actual damage is happening to your joints like what happens with lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. ”

I was both relieved by the diagnosis and shocked. At least now I knew it wasn’t all in my head, it had a name, and there were things that could be done to potentially relieve the worst of the symptoms. I started researching, experimenting, and learning all that I could about fibro and CFS. What I found included everything from witch doctor crazy remedies, to just giving up already, to extreme diets and exercise programs. There was virtually nothing to really help me discover the best way to deal with the pain in my everyday life. I tried diets, I tried exercise, I tried medications (only to find out that I cannot take those due to significant allergies), I tried giving up a few times, and running through the back of my mind on a pretty regular basis was the thought of driving my car into a tree to end it all. Thankfully, I never acted on the latter as I had young children who depended on me, and I just could not do that to them.

Fast forward to today. After more than 20 years of trying just about anything that showed any signs of promise, the ONLY things that I have found to actually help me are the simplest and yet the most effective remedies:

  • A healthy, well-rounded diet of REAL food with targeted nutritional supplements;
  • A loving and supportive family who encourages and doesn’t blame or shame me; and
  • A regimen of sustained exercise that includes LOTS of stretching, yoga, walking, and strength training.

So, back to my original question at the beginning of this post/video. Prior to the beginning of the “pandemic” I was actually in a pretty good place with my health. I ate a mostly healthy diet, I was exercising regularly, and my family was incredibly supportive. My symptoms were at as low a level as they had been since I was initially diagnosed. My weight had significantly improved—did I forget to mention that weight management is a significant issue for folks with fibromyalgia? I was enjoying a mostly healthy and active lifestyle. Then the “pandemic” happened. The government closed down virtually everything. I couldn’t travel like I had previously been doing, which helped to keep me moving. I couldn’t work like I had been doing, which kept me active and mostly away from snacking. I couldn’t be around people for the most part because a lot of folks were scared someone was going to kill them by simply breathing, which resulted in an increase in depression, which resulted in me reducing and eventually eliminating my regular exercise and increasing unhealthy stress snacking, which resulted in increased weight and increased pain. Fibro creates a vicious cycle that is extremely difficult to break. To begin to exercise it naturally creates some pain. With fibro, that pain can become excruciating if you do not increase the intensity of exercise at a pace that your body can accommodate without causing what is called a fibro flareup, which can put me in bed for a week or more. So, when I was not regularly exercising throughout the “pandemic” my fibro was exponentially increasing. Thus, my extreme dread of re-introducing exercise into my daily life. Fear. Unadulterated, extreme FEAR!

Aha moment. I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate being controlled. When I finally recognized that I was allowing FEAR to dominate and control my actions I began to implement change. At first it was small things. Not eating that snack I was so desperately craving. Taking a 10-minute walk with my husband. Taking the stairs at work instead of the elevator. Walking around the Capital Square on my lunch hour once or twice. Walking down State Street during my lunch hour. Taking my lunch to work instead of going out to eat at lunch. As I did the little things, my body slowly began to respond. The brain fog (yep, that’s a real thing for folks with fibro) began to clear. My resolve began to improve. But, I still wasn’t actually exercising. 

Enter this morning.

Yesterday, I was so disgusted with myself that I literally, in a very whiny voice, asked my amazing husband if he would be willing to get up a little earlier in the mornings and stretch and exercise with me. He said yes, and then followed through this morning. Yep! I got up, moved my sorry you know what, and did some great stretching. I must start with stretching to get my body “ready” to be able to exercise once again in the very near future. 

Guess what! I did not die! I did not go into a fibro flareup (at least not at this point). I feel better today as I’m moving through my day. Just ONE morning of stretching and I already feel small but definite improvement. 

So why am I sharing all this with y’all? Because I want to share with you that no matter what you are going through, no matter what your physical or mental condition, no matter what your circumstances in life, THERE IS ALWAYS HOPE! You CAN move past whatever it is that’s holding you back. Warning: you will have to go THROUGH to get PAST. You cannot take an alternate path. If you try to take an alternate path, you will simply put off what must be done and potentially increase the pain that it takes to ultimately go through and get past. I’m here to encourage you and let you know there is freedom on the other side of your current pain. Just like I took the bull by the horns to overcome my extreme fear of heights, I’m taking the bull by the horns to overcome my fear of going THROUGH to get PAST my current pain. You can too.

If you don’t know your rights, you cannot protect them!

By: Rebecca Witherspoon, 7/5/2023

United States’ Constitution and Declaration of Independence on a flag background

How can you protect your Constitutional rights if you do not know what they are or why they were codified in our U.S. Constitution?

Our Declaration of Independence is the document which outlined our grievances with our then government, England. Our Constitution of the United States of America outlined the limited form of a new government, by the people and for the people (NOT by or for the governors), with imbedded checks and balances to ensure no one of the three separate but equal branches could usurp the other’s unique authority but could check each other if one was found to be overstepping its authority. The Constitution also sets out very specific rights of the people in the form of a Bill of Rights, which the government is not allowed to usurp. Thankfully, our Constitution is extremely difficult and cumbersome to amend for very good reason.

We The People elect officials who are supposed to represent us in local, county, state, and federal government. These governing bodies are supposed to set the policies and enact laws and penalties primarily to PROTECT our Constitutional rights. Bureaucracy is supposed to be the unelected body which implements the policies and laws, NOT set policies or create laws and penalties. Our country has strayed FAR from what our Founding Fathers intended or implemented. 

Sadly, very few Americans today have read, know, or understand these truths. 

If we as a nation and society are to overcome the division and trials we are currently experiencing, we MUST relearn, teach, and begin to once again understand the truths set out in our founding documents and once again demand our government acts in the manner it was intended. 


By: Rebecca Witherspoon, 6/27/2023

Creator Unknown

I’m one of those folks who passionately believes that racism and discrimination in all their forms is wrong—whether it’s based on race, ethnicity, religious preference, gender, sexual orientation, political preference, physical disability, marital status, socio-economic position, or a plethora of other reasons. I can’t stand it. It stinks. It is offensive and repugnant. It’s destructive and divisive. It’s ugly and evil. And yet, I see these things happening more and more everyday by people who should know better. 

In our country (the USA) we have a basic set of common cultural standards and values by which to live. Those common cultural standards and values are the fabric that binds us together as a nation and society and helps us identify deviant behavior that should be addressed (things like murder, theft, abuse, assault, etc.). Government did not “give” us our Constitution and Constitutional rights, but rather We The People came together in a time of significant oppression and identified those rights that we naturally possess and then we clearly identified those rights in the form of a written Constitution which also outlined the form of a new “limited“ government that was created by the People and for the People, in order to protect those very rights we hold so dear—life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, the right to speak freely, the right to own and bear arms in defense against those who would harm us as well as against a government that may become tyrannical, the right to be free from unjust searches and seizures by a government run amuck, the right to freely and without coercion vote for those we want to represent us in our chosen form of government, the right to a fair trial before a jury of our peers, and many other natural rights that had been denied us by a government that had (at that time) run amuck and become tyrannical. Some might call what we did treasonous, but it was a fight worth fighting and dying for.

Feel free to discuss, debate and even try to persuade others about the value of your beliefs, but when you step over the line and try to force your beliefs on others or deny others their rights to live according to their beliefs, that’s when you will have gone too far. As one despotic Democrat Senator so famously said, “You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price.”


Rebecca Witherspoon

Image created by Rebecca Witherspoon

I live in a county in Wisconsin where folks care deeply for the environment and people. Unfortunately, there are those in our county (elected or otherwise) who take those deeply held ideals to the extreme in name of equity, diversity, and inclusion. Creating a “sanctuary” that makes it “safe” for individuals, schools, medical practitioners, and businesses to break laws; to force a particular political ideology on people who do not align with that ideology; or to take away the rights of parents to safeguard their children from those who are intent on usurping parental rights is morally wrong, illegal, and un-Constitutional (including my own State Constitution and the US Constitution). If challenged in a court of law, I believe it will be found to be both illegal and unconstitutional. 

First and foremost, I have zero problem with or anything against folks who identify as LGBTQ+, transgender or nonbinary. Adults have a right to identify however they so choose. The last I heard, this is still a free country, and I am 100% in favor of protecting all of our Constitutional freedoms. In fact, I have some very, very dear friends and family who are part of this community.

However, I have grave concerns regarding gender-affirming “healthcare” as it relates to children under the age of 18. These so-called healthcare practices include puberty blockers and/or surgeries which remove parts of one’s body, are forever life-altering, result in reproductive sterilization, and in most cases are irreversible. Children under the age of 18 are still growing, still exploring and discovering who they are, are susceptible to peer and adult pressure/coercion and influence, and frequently change their minds on almost everything from what they will wear, how their hair should look, who they should date, and what they like or don’t like to eat – and those are just things that don’t affect the rest of their lives. 

Allowing a child (or the parent of a child) whose brain and body is still developing and growing, to make these types of irreversible choices is not only wrong it can also be the result of coercive and ideological manipulation! Providing children with a social environment in which they are allowed to freely discover who they are as individuals is vital; but allowing or even encouraging the irreversible mutilation of these young bodies is not only morally wrong it’s downright dangerous. Most, if not all, of these children will be sterilized in the process of their gender-affirming “healthcare” resulting in them never having the ability to reproduce children should they decide at some point in their life that they want to have children. There are many, many cases of folks who deeply regret their irreversible choice to surgically transition, many of whom were pre-adult when their transition occurred. Statistically, those who are allowed to transition are just as likely to commit suicide as those who do not transition; and, in some studies, it has even been shown to increase loneliness and isolation, and potentially increase the likelihood of suicide. The science on these medical procedures is far from settled and has a long road to go before we understand not only the long-term psychological and medical effects but also the societal effects of allowing these types of procedures on young children.

Then there is the issue of the never-ending money train for the medical professionals which results from each and every surgery. For Big Pharma and the medical community that are pushing for these surgeries on minors, their bottom line will be extremely profitable at the expense of each child who is allowed to go through these types of procedures. These children do not have the capacity to understand the full ramifications of what they are choosing from either a medical standpoint (most will have many on-going medical issues to deal with throughout the remainder of their lives) or from a financial standpoint (the amount of money they will be required to pay out over the course of their lives is astronomical to say the least). Are we as a society really ready to subject children to an irreversible life of never-ending medical and financial issues for the rest of their lives?

Finding the right answer is not going to be easy. But creating “sanctuary” cities and counties is not moving in the right direction. In fact, it may cause greater harm than good. It will (and already has) create further division in an already divided community and will do nothing to heal the growing chasm between groups holding diverse ideological views. I would ask each person, especially our elected officials, to pause and think seriously about the full impact and long-term effects of such actions from the various points of view and not just from the bubble of your own personal ideology.


By Rebecca Witherspoon, 7/27/2023

(Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/glass-ball-on-wood-clip-art-268953/)

Changing your perspective by stepping from one side to the other or getting higher or lower can often result in a clearer picture of what you’re looking at, and sometimes even make an otherwise boring photograph come alive and become a composition that transcends time and place. The same is true when it comes to looking at the many issues that face America. 

I very much appreciated a video I recently viewed by someone who has been living abroad for the past almost 15 years and was describing how their perspective of America has changed both positively and negatively. While I have never lived abroad, I have traveled and continue to travel extensively and I hold many of the same views on the specific topics this person covered … except for gun ownership, for which I am a strong proponent of our 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

The current political climate in the US is very disturbing. I do see signs of significant pushback finally occurring against the very radical ideologies on both sides of the aisle, and that is a very good thing. I also see more and more folks awaking from the slumber of bygone days and beginning to realize the potential benefits of overhauling our healthcare, food, education and transportation industries. The logistics of how to incorporate effective and truly sustainable change is the real hurdle that we as a nation must figure out if we are to survive and thrive; we have to figure out how to not throw out the baby with the bath water as we make needed changes. Our nation is physically huge and extremely diverse geographically, culturally, and socio-economically which creates significant difficulty figuring out how to fix our existing problems without destroying our economy and way of life along the way.

Getting involved at the local, county, state and federal levels in finding solutions is extremely important, and something I am doing, and I continue to look for ways to be even more effective on a larger scale. Standing on the sidelines complaining and hoping our government will magically figure things out is no longer an option.

Bringing the Dream Into Focus

By Rebecca Witherspoon, January 31, 2023

Photo by Andre Mouton at Pexels.com

“First I would dream it, then I’d plan it, then reality (aka challenges) would upend the dream … It seemed like I would forever bury all my dreams in the graveyard of regret. But then … !”

By Rebecca Witherspoon

When I was a kid, the world was my oyster. I was precocious, vivacious, passionate and creative. I was determined to travel the world and see all that it had to offer. I would pour over all the books and magazines about exotic and/or ancient locals, learn about the history of those places, and plan out itineraries to visit those places. Then I went to sleep one night and much like Rip Van Winkle the next time I woke up more than two decades had passed and I was divorced with two adolescent children, had never been out of the country, and was afraid of my own shadow. When did I stop being brave? When did I stop dreaming? It was time to take a look in the mirror and see just who I had become.

Through the years and decades of my life, there seemed to be a predictable pattern and timeline to all of my dreams and plans. First I would dream it, then I’d plan it, then reality (aka challenges) would upend the dream. In all but a very rare handful of exceptions, this is where my dreams would die. Oh, I would sometimes take a particularly fond dream out of its grave to stroke and attempt to resuscitate it by asking myself, “What if …?” But, it wouldn’t be long before that dream was safely tucked back into its protective grave. It seemed like I would forever bury all my dreams in the graveyard of regret. But then … !

To be continued … 


By: Rebecca Witherspoon, November 22, 2022

“Lady Liberty” by RAW Digital Studios, copyright 2010
“Lady Liberty” by Rebecca Witherspoon, copyright 2010

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

“Declaration of Independence,” July 4, 1776, https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/declaration-transcript

What is our battle?  Is it Republican vs. Democrat, Conservative vs. Liberal, or Democracy vs. Socialism? No. The true battle is Liberty vs. Tyranny. 

According to the Miriam-Webster Dictionary, Liberty is defined as the quality or state of being free: (a) the power to do as one pleases; (b) freedom from physical restraint; (c) freedom from arbitrary or despotic control; (d) the positive enjoyment of various social, political, or economic rights and privileges; and (e) the power of choice. Tyranny is defined as: (1) an oppressive power, especially an oppressive power exerted by government, the tyranny of a police state; (2) a government in which absolute power is vested in a single ruler; or (3) an oppressive, harsh, or unjust act.

But what is liberty supposed to look like in the United States of America? This can be found in the first 10 Amendments to the U.S. Constitution.(https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/bill-of-rights-transcript)

First Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Second Amendment

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Third Amendment

No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

Fourth Amendment

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Fifth Amendment

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Sixth Amendment

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense.

Seventh Amendment

In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

Eighth Amendment

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

Ninth Amendment

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Tenth Amendment

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Some questions to ask yourself:

(1) what was the intent of our Founding Fathers by including these particular Amendments;

(2) are these Amendments being honored and protected, or are they being infringed upon and to what degree; and

(3) what, if anything, can be done to stop to the erosion.


By: Rebecca Witherspoon, November 20, 2022 (updated January 31, 2023)

Photo by RODNAE Productions on Pexels.com

“It is human nature to stay where you’re comfortable. But, sometimes through a course of events, through a long train of usurpations, we have to become uncomfortable. Change will not happen without movement. And, when we’ve been sedentary, when we’ve been comfortable for a very long time, movement is uncomfortable. We have been training our generations in the wrong information about our government. We’ve been training them to be submissive and compliant to authority. We have forgotten that We The People are the rulers over government, and we have allowed government to be the rulers over people. If we truly want that to change, we have to stop looking for leaders and start BEING them.”

KrisAnne Hall, from her documentary movie “NonCompliant,” https://libertyfirstsociety.com/

Over the past number of years, I have become disturbed by a seeming lack of knowledge about our founding documents including the Declaration of Independence, The U.S. Constitution, and our Bill of Rights (which just so happens to be the first 10 Amendments to our Constitution). Public education appears to be inconsistent in its duty to provide a common foundation of knowledge upon which our young adults have an equal opportunity to pursue the American Dream—life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. There are many explanations, some more valid than others, for why we have found ourselves where are are today.

Many citizens of these United States of America seem to no longer understand that the Constitution was written by We The People to clearly state what our natural human rights are and to limit our government from infringing upon those rights. We The People wrote the Constitution. Our government did not exist until our Constitution was written. The government did not “bestow” rights on We The People, but was rather created to protect the rights of We The People. The primary and most basic duty of the government of these United States of America is to protect the rights of the people. Unfortunately, too many citizens have forgotten this basic truth.

So, exactly what does the U.S. Constitution do? It

  • outlines our basic human rights as citizens;
  • formed a new and limited government;
  • placed structure to and parameters around a newly formed government, including significant limits, checks and balances to slow and/or stop anticipated inevitable future attempts of governmental abuses of power;
  • outlines the primary duties of our newly formed government, which primary duties were to protect the rights of the people and to protect our newly formed borders from threats by outside forces;
  • clearly outlines those natural rights of the people that government is absolutely prohibited from infringing upon; and
  • specifically reserves back to the people everything not clearly delegated by the Constitution to our government.

I encourage everyone to explore our country’s founding documents and to allow the clear meaning of words of those documents to illuminate the intent of our Founding Fathers. It’s time that We The People take back our inalienable rights and to hold our government accountable for the harm it has done to our country.

I am a wife, a mom, and a grandma, an outspoken Village Board Trustee where I live, a blogger/writer and sometimes vlogger, the owner and operator of a travel agency, an avid photographer, and a dabbler in graphic design and videographer. Oh, I’m also a former and now occasional substitute school bus driver, and in my “spare” time I work full time as a legal assistant. I love the music of the late 1960s, ‘70s, and early ‘80s—it really was the best time for modern music, despite that time now being half a century in the past. I love to read and watch movies. I’m passionate about maintaining a healthy, beautiful, and productive environment. My favorite thing to do is to travel the globe. And last, but certainly not least, I am an American Citizen passionate about the health and vitality of my country, and someone who believes that fighting to ensure our Constitutionally protected freedoms are no longer infringed upon is of paramount importance. In short, I’m you. I’m your neighbor. I’m your friend. I’m your relative. I like to think I’ve gained some wisdom through the years as a direct result of both my failures and successes. I’ve experienced fear and courage, grief and ecstasy, success and failure. I’m your average, ever-day American who is simply trying to live my life according to the same principles our Founding Fathers used to create this great nation—to live my life free to pursue happiness as I see it.


By: Rebecca Witherspoon, 11/13/2022

I’m so incredibly sad for my country and the direction it is going. Am I meant to pursue public service as an elected official? I’ve been pretty effective at the local level, but I don’t know if I’d be effective or even electable at a higher level of office. And, I don’t know if I even want to be at that higher level. People in this country seem hell bent on abolishing our Constitution, our Constitutionally protected freedoms, and implementing a repeatedly failed Marxist/socialist society that oppresses and ultimately destroys a society. Why are people doomed to repeat the very things that have been proven time and again to destroy? As a country, we have lost our way, and I believe it is the beginning of the end of the country my ancestors fought so hard to create and that I grew up in. I’m so tired of fighting all the time to try to get others to see the truth. I’m just so very tired.

I want to escape the coming destruction in this country. But where would I/we even go? Florida has both its pros and cons. Weather is the main con in that it gets extremely hot in the summers and has hurricanes in the falls and early winters. The current governor will not always be the governor—Florida has term limits (pros and cons again). Unless he is working to mentor the next governor I fear that Florida will be on the chopping block in the next election as far as freedoms go. I have zero desire to live in an actual physical border state, because of the dangerous illegal alien surge that is being allowed by our current administration—shockingly illegal and yet completely allowed. Why the hell do we continue to put up with this bullshit?

I fear that being an entrepreneur in this country will soon be on the chopping block as well. The far left will see to that. Despite what they claim, they absolutely hate self-made success stories because they cannot be controlled, their thoughts cannot be directed, and their actions cannot be dictated.

My body, my choice. They want the right to kill their babies, but they don’t want us to have the right to choose what we allow to be injected into our bodies. They want to be able to mutilate the bodies of our children, and stop parents from even knowing or having a say so in what happens to their children. They want us to follow the science, but they themselves refuse to follow the science—they can’t even define what a woman is. They want to abolish the police and all the while try to take our ability to protect ourselves away, at the same time they themselves use private security they can afford but we cannot to protect themselves—two tier system. They want to indoctrinate the minds of our children and tell us that our children don’t belong to us and that we have no say so in what our children are taught—they call us domestic terrorists if we raise concerns. They are trying to normalize pedophilia and now are trying to change the term to minor attracted as a way of making the sick perversion into something “normal.” 

We saw city after city burned and looted with people physically assaulted and sometimes even killed for three months during the summer of love (2020) and yet those riots were called “mostly peaceful protests,” then when a bunch of idiots were literally escorted into the Capital and allowed to get out of hand in a short-lived riot, they call them domestic terrorists and “insurrectionists” and continue to push an untrue narrative about those who dare to use their Constitutionally protected right of free speech to question blatantly questionable actions during the election of 2020. Three people died on J6, all were protestors who got caught up in a protest that got out of control—possibly as a direct result of government law enforcement interference and instigation, but of course we will never know the truth because we aren’t allowed to question the “acceptable” narrative. One was an unarmed, white, female veteran who is on video attempting to stop destruction of public property and yet was cold-bloodedly executed on video by a capital police officer who admitted in a very publicized interview that he broke the law when he shot her—aka, he murdered that woman and is not being charged with any crime. Another was an unarmed, white, female protestor who got caught in the crush of people at one of the entrances to the Capital Building and who was crushed to death as a result of capital police illegally discharging tear gas in an extremely confined space resulting in panic when people could not breath and at least one police officer beating the defenseless woman after she had fallen to the ground—another illegal action on the part of the police officer. The third was an unarmed, white, older male who suffered a life-ending heart attack, again as a result of unconscionable actions on the part of the capital police. Another victim of the capital police included an unarmed, white, man who was literally pushed off a ledge by a capital police officer—another illegal action on the part of the police. There are many more examples, but I’ll stop there. Each of these incidents can be easily found if you’re willing to do your own research. Not one police officer to my knowledge has been charged with any crimes of police brutality as a result of J6–I guess it’s okay when the illegal brutality is against white folks. Not one police officer died that day, some were hurt in the scuffles, and yet a lie has been repeatedly told that one police officer was beaten to death—he was not. As can be easily discovered by the autopsy report, he died from natural causes a day or so later, with zero evidence that his death was a result of the riot. And yet I still, to this day almost two years later, continue to hear this lie repeated time and time again from people who refuse to hear/see the truth.

And people just keep believing the damn lies. They refuse to do the research to find the actual truth and continue to believe the false narratives being shoved down our throats by a media that is no longer anything other than a propaganda machine of the far left Democrat Party. Journalism with rare exception is dead. And those journalists that still exist? They are mercilessly persecuted by the pundits and government until they are either “discredited,” choose to shut up, or disappear or murdered under mysterious circumstances.

We have Democrat leadership colluding with media and social media to suppress free speech, and yet too many people see nothing wrong with that ILLEGAL action on the part of our government.

We have a Democrat controlled government that has destroyed our economy, refuses to prosecute criminals, is printing money like it’s candy, is putting the jackboot on the neck of We The People through burdensome regulations and taxation, and has no problem with the wholesale genocide of millions of babies. And yet, we just keep voting for more of the same.

I’m so incredibly tired. It’s heart breaking to see people willingly throwing their freedoms in the trash as a result of complete lies. As a nation, we have forgotten where we came from, who we once were, what our values have been for more than 200 years, and seem to be intent on destroying everything we once valued. I have repeatedly asked when people will wake up and demand that our government do it’s assigned jobs and not continue to abuse its power. Unfortunately, we as a nation have become “comfortably numb” to the destruction of our country and like sheep are being led to the slaughter. We are like frogs in a pot of water that is slowly but surely coming to a boil. We are like a horse with blinders, seeing only what we are meant to see and not able to see the burning forest around us.

We are seeing the beginning of the end of our nation.